Below is the artwork that I have created from the natural inks I am making. The whole process from start to finish takes a calendar year with each season producing very different palettes of color. I have been recording the journey on my blog if you are interested in seeing what the process looks like. The artwork is currently about the individual colors and how I interact with them. Each has a very different vibration that I first feel through my eyes but then it connects with my spirit and emotions. At first I didn't want to mix the inks but as I get to understand them individually I have found it is natural for them to interact.
Medium Sized
All medium sized inks are 12" tall x 11 " wide (except where indicated)
All large pieces are on 22 x 30" 300lb watercolor paper
Small pieces are matted to 12" x 12" and Sketches are matted to 11" x 14"